You’ve got questions, we’ve got answers!

How do you give back to the community?

At Rieger Contracting we are proud partners of our local community. We are longterm sponsors of the Andy Potts Foundation and make numerous donations to organizations in the community, such as the Legion and Salvation Army. We also have two 10 yard disposal bins that when rented, some proceeds go towards cancer research.

Do you partner with other contracting companies? 

Yes, we work closely with our sister company, Dockside Welding, and our subsidiaries. We are also open to other partnership agreements on an as-needed basis. Please contact us for more information.

How long does it take to install a septic once you’re onsite?

Typically two days. Depending on conditions, septic installation can take anywhere from one day to one week.

What is the approximate cost for a septic system?

Unfortunately we are not often able to ballpark this service. Septic proposals are site-specific due to the conditions (bedrock, wetlands, trees, etc) of the property. 

Do you run seasonal or all year round?

We run seasonally. We don’t have specific start up and shut down dates, our season is weather dependent.

Are you covered by WSIB?

Yes. For more information, please contact us directly.